The park near Tina’s house was very popular with joggers, especially with a very powerful, athletic black guy, who got her juices flowing every time she saw him. She simply had to have him, so one morning, she arranged to bump into him literally, as he was taking his daily run. Having apologized for being so clumsy, Tina did not have too much trouble inviting him back to her place. One look at…

… tits was enough to turn Joe into a wild groping machine. Tina smiled to herself, and wriggled ecstatically, as he began to tongue her tender quim….

When she had first seen Joe, Tina had made a bet with her self that his prick would match his muscles – and she wasn’t disappointed! It was bigger than she’d imagined!

And he really knew how to use it, as Tina discovered when he forced it into her tight pussy. She felt as though she was going to split in two. They say that size does not mean anything, but in Tina’s case, it meant simply everything!

Tina was experiencing the kind of ecstasy that the French refer to as the “little death”. And if being fucked so well was dying, it was a wonderful way to go!

The excitement of the situation made her reach peaks of pleasure that she had never known before. And when Joe was finally finished with her, she was weak and satiated…

Now, it was time for the “coup de grace”: a big portion of sperm, which Tina gobbled like a connoisseur. “Bumping” into Joe, had been the best move ever!

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