Classical Restraint

Bondage is a contemporary form of erotica, but one with an ancient lineage. The dark, mahogany-paneled whipping parlors of the Victorian Age, the slave markets of ancient Turkey and the dungeons of Medieval Europe are part of the theater of bondage experiences. We see the bondage of the past (actual slavery-type bondage) reflected in the equipment we use today, the decor of bondage rooms and the scenarios we like to play out.

The classical period-antiquity in Greece and Rome- make a fine backdrop for present-day bondage play. Women we’re little more than slaves of their men in those days, and a fantasy in which we live in those times puts us in the perfect frame of mind for erotic bondage. The ancient Greeks seemed to have enjoyed sex without the hang-ups we’ve since acquired: they accepted any desires as natural. According to the epicurean philosophy tension brought about by unfulfilled desires is harmful and should be dispelled by realizing the desires pleasure.

Against that background, Andrea- the woman we see her-and her boyfriend get added enjoyment out of their love bondage play. They pretend to live in 5th Century B.C. Athens, where he is a high-born citizen of the city-state and she is his slave girl.

When we’re in our classical bondage room, no contemporary furnishings in sight, all my inhibitions drop away. the woman told us. “It’s like another world, a time and place you go to in a dream of fantasy. I give myself up to Dave completely, become his slave. The sexual pleasure is intense for me and he gets off on it too.”

They have obtained a classical column from a movie-prop supply house, and getting bound to it is Andrea’s greatest delight. Dave may leave her like that for several hours, building up tension in both of them. When he returns, he likes to untie her and place her in a backless chair they use to simulate the furniture of the ancients. When she’s firmly tied into that, out comes an antique riding crops they found in a second-hand store.

“I tease her with the whip, more than really hitting her with it.” he explained. “I like to give her a little chuck under the chin with the business end of it, while i chide her for some imaginary failings in her housework or whatever. It excites us both. Than, maybe a few love taps on her bare bum.”

With bondage sex to follow, for sure.